Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mysterious Admirer?

I don't what to say.
Should I admit it creeps me out a little?
Well, I don't know the person, that's for sure.
It started out with receiving two quotes messages on my phone.
It followed by a response to my inquiry since the number is unregistered.
And there I faced the shock of my day.
Someone who saw me in a sportsfest event a year ago, who he told me, has never forgotten me and how I played volleyball very well.
He who made an effort of asking people who possibly may know me and finally discovering my contact number.
I'm completely shocked.
Honestly, I thought someone I knew is just playing with me.
Looks like this is real.
So, what do I do?
No idea.
Just wait maybe if he'll send me another message in the near future.

1 comment:

  1. dont be shocked,may be the love u deserve is finally on the door
